i love being italian  



I love being italian is a new website that will be introduced soon. Currently we are working on the website to bring you a italian site filled with italian culture.. The i love being italian website will feature italian history along with italian recipes , videos, shopping center for italian T-shirts. This site will also be a meeting ground for all italians like yourself to socialize .

After growing up 100% Italian we wanted to keep this tradition going among our great italian community.

Like us on face book so you can stay in contact with us and when this site launches you will be notified.

Italian is the official language, but there is various dialects that are spoken. Italian is taught in school and used in goverment. The Siclian language is with Greek, Arabic, Latin , Italian and other influneces but is generally not understood by italian speakers.

What is the identification italians?

Romans used the name Italia when they refered to the italian peninsula. many different people have invaded Italy to settle. Sicily has many invaders including Saracens , aragonese. in the 1720s even the austrians ruled Sicily while controling northern Italy.

Italy consits of a penisula shaped like a high heeled boot in south central Europe. It contains several islands, the most important islands are Sicily in the south and Sardinia in the nortwest. You can find a chain of mountains just down the center of the penisula. About 40 % of Italy is hilly and mountainous. Italy has a mediterranean climate cause by the hilly areas. Numerous independent states were created beacuse of the Italy's hilly terrain.

The population in Italy is approximately 57 million in 1998 with a growth rate of .08% Majority of the people are ethnically Italian but there is other groups found in the population , including Slovene Italians, French Italians , Albanian Italians, & Greek Italians to name a few.

Like us on face book so you can stay in contact with us and when this site launches you will be notified.

Be a part of our community as we launch the best italian site out there made for the people. Like our facebook wall and feel free to share any of your pics or anything that is related to our culture.

Italian Tshirts

italian girl